Your Sales Personnel Needs a Script

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Professional male operator works in callcenter uses headset and laptop computer talks on video call

No matter how good your product or service, it doesn’t sell itself. People sell, and people buy, and that’s why they are at the core of every business. And even in the era of e-commerce, digital marketing, and SEO, people are crucial to sales. Whether you are running a one-person business (where you are the salesperson) or have an extensive team with dedicated salespeople, a script might be the magic ingredient you need to up your sales game. 

How To Create A Sales Script 

A script is one of the most important tools you can equip your salesperson with. That’s true for both beginner and experienced salespeople. It ensures that a consistent message, tone, and brand image is portrayed to the consumers and clients, allowing you to offer a uniform customer experience.  

A few tips that might help you create a good script for your salesperson are: 

  1. Create two-way brand personas. If you are calling out to your prospects, you probably have rudimentary data on them like their name, age, gender, business, etc. You should also have an idea of who might be calling you or reaching out to you via phone call. This will help you create a more targeted script. If your clientele is made up of busy C-suite executives, you have to create a concise yet sophisticated script. For a target market made up of retirees, you might need a slow-paced script. Identifying your caller target audience should be your first step.  
  2. Write dialogue and not a speech. Your salesperson needs to listen as much as they need to talk, probably even more because if your script can get your potential customers to talk, you will get important data on their pain points and expectations (price, quality, guarantee, etc.). And it will probably consume less of your salesperson’s time because they might be able to zero in on your customer’s requirement and use only part of the scrip instead of focusing on finishing it all. 
  3. Create different scripts for different product lines and make sure your salesperson is well-versed in the product’s/service’s features, strengths, and weaknesses. If your salesperson is not able to answer the simple questions a prospective customer might have for them regarding the product/service, they are unlikely to convert. 
  4. Create a database of FAQs and update it whenever a prospective customer asks a new question. This database should be part of every digital script or at least be easily available, so your salesperson has (potentially) all the answers at their fingertips. 
  5. The script should focus on the benefits and strengths of the product or services your salesperson is marketing and how it connects to the pain points of the prospective customer. And remember, it’s better to discuss two benefits of your product that are actually beneficial for the client in question than rattling off all ten benefits just because they are on the script. 
  6. Aim to impress with your script, even if you can’t close. Your product or service might not be something that a potential customer might need right now, but it’s important that your sales person’s scripted conversation leaves a good taste in your potential customer’s mouth. 

Final Words 

The script should be refined and perfected after a certain number of calls. You can learn a lot from the verbal interactions of your potential customers and your salesperson and use it to improve your script over time. It would also be beneficial to test your salesperson for their command of the script through mock calls.  

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