Three Tips that Can Make Your Content Fantastic

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Sometimes it is better to go back to basics. We get so involved with creating content for SEO, that we forget simple things like the following three tips.

1) Create Original Content

If your content is not unique, Google will penalize your site in search results. Plagiarizing content will result in your ability to generate traffic through the search engine. If writing is not your forte, then you can hire companies like Web Graphics and More to produce unique quality content.

2) Always Focus On Creating Strong Headlines

A good headline sparks interest and invites your target audience in. I like to twist the 20/80 rule when considering content. Most people spend 20% of their time creating the headline and 80% creating the rest of their content. In an article written by Nathan Safran, that “eight out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only two out of 10 will read the rest.” That means 80% of the visitors will only get to the headlines and 20% will read the rest. If you don’t have that killer headline, maybe spend more time looking at structure and sentences for your headlines that will invoke a sense of action in your users.

3) Treat Your Content Like Appetizers

People require that the information you feed them is in appropriate sized bites. I know you are thinking, “I have so much to share!” Seven course meals are not served all at once, and your content should be the same. If you give the reader too much all at once, you will loose them. Start with killer headlines, and invite them to learn more. You can always create a separate page with the seven course meal. You can even create a study or marketing page that requires the reader to provide their email to receive the study. Be creative enough that they want more.

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