How to Attract Dog Walking Clients to Your Pet Sitting Business

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Almost every pet sitting business offers dog walking services and with so many dog owners out there, dog walking clients are the bread and butter for pet sitters. Due to long working hours, adults usually, are not able to find the time to walk their dogs themselves. Therefore, they choose pet sitters to do the job for them and meet the daily needs of their dog.  Promoting your dog walking service is important to attract those clients who looking for pet sitting companies to walk their dog. We’ll share with your some ways you can promote your dog walking service to attract more clients.

#1 Website Should Include ‘Dog Walking’ Service

If you offer a dog walking service and have not clearly listed it on your website, clients will never know about it. Don’t hide it in sub categories; make it prominent for everyone to see. When you have dog walking service listed on your website, it will show up on Google when people search for “dog walking”.

#2 Blog about Dog Walking

You may have heard, “content is king”. Well, you need content to promote your dog walking service and attract more clients. Include the keywords ‘dog walking’, ‘dog walking service” in your content as this will help you improve your website’s ranking through SEO. But, don’t throw up the keywords everywhere; place them strategically in your content, so that it appears natural.

Write and post blogs related to dog walking on your website regularly as the more blogs you post the more you’ll be able to optimize your website with keywords.

#3 Social Media Promotions Focused on Dog Walking

Get active on social media platforms and use it to promote your dog walking business. On social media, post images, videos and stories of your regular dog walking clients who are satisfied with everything you are offering. You can also post special summer discount offers or treats for early dog walking clients. This way people will not only avail your dog walking services, but also share your story with others.

#4 Create a Yelp Profile

A Yelp profile can be helpful for your pet setting business as Yelp listings mostly show up in search when people look for nearby pet sitters or dog walkers. Setting up a Yelp profile is easy and it will only take a few minutes to list your business. Don’t miss out any information and provide your email, website and phone number. Also include photos of some dogs that you’ve cared for after asking their owners and ask your loyal clients to write reviews.

#5 Attract Existing Clients

Don’t forget about your existing clients while you hunt for new ones. Send them emails about discounted prices and provide them special discounted dog walks.

Make it Simple:

If you are still unable to find dog walking clients for your pet sitting business, contact our experts at Web Graphics and More, LLC. They’ll optimize your website and help you manage your content to attract more dog walking clients and improve your client base.

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