5 Growing Channels to Boost Traffic to Your WordPress Site

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Plugins are pre-written codes that improve the functionality of websites. There are over 55,000 plugins available that can add value to your website. Investing in WordPress plugins allows you to increase traffic to your website and boost user engagement. Here are the top five you can use to boost traffic:

1.     Google Analytics WD

Google Analytics is a useful tool to monitor and track traffic to your website. It enables you to check out the advanced metrics and reports of your web pages to evaluate their performance. With Google Analytics WD, you can view the statistics in the administration panel within WordPress. It also includes functionality relevant to WordPress, such as reports regarding users, posts or tags. Opt for Google Analytics WD to get a complete analysis of website traffic.

2.     Floating Social Bar

This is a popular and beginner-friendly plugin for WordPress. Most floating social bars are poorly coded and tend to block the content on your website. However, the floating social bar is light-weight and stays at the top of the page as visitors scroll down. This plugin is slim and fast, and only loads when a visitor hovers the cursor over the button. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it rather easy to use. The Floating Social Bar follows the visitor on each page without getting in the way, making it easy for them to explore the website as well as share information immediately.

3.     OptinMonster

This plugin is popular for generating opt-in popups for your WordPress website. It is an effective way to convert visitors into email subscribers to eventually transform them into customers. According to studies, even if a website receives several daily hits, more than 70% of the people are one-time visitors. OptinMonster enables you to monitor user behavior and displays a message asking for their email address just as they are about to exit your website. Visitors who become email subscribers are likely to return to your website and convert into customers.

4.     Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO provides an extensive set of features to optimize your website. It allows you to add XML sitemaps, meta tags, breadcrumbs navigation, and import Google search console data. This WordPress plugin can help improve the content on your website, enabling it to rank higher on the search engine results page. It also optimizes your website for social media platforms by including thumbnails for Facebook and cards for Twitter.

5.     Revive Old Post

You can use this plugin to bring up your old posts. This plugin can be used to make them active once again by sharing them on Twitter and Facebook.  As you create more posts for your website, older posts can get buried deep within your website and get wasted because of a lack of visibility. Re-sharing old posts with the right strategy and timing can substantially improve traffic to your website. Whether you are a business owner or marketing professional, using WordPress plugins can boost your online presence. They help make your WordPress website more shareable and improve its visibility on the web.


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